Origami Yoda 


Anakin Skypaper!


          The Rise of Anakin Skypaper!

                               By Tommy

“Behold!” shouts Harvey. I glance over and…perhaps I’m getting a little ahead of myself here. I’m Tommy. I go to McQuarrie Middle School with my friends, Kellen, Lance, Mike, Murky, Sara, and Ben. Oh, and my almost-friend Harvey Cunningham. There is also Dwight Tharp, a master origami folder. He is the one who created Origami Yoda, a Star Wars origami finger puppet that could predict the future, help solve people’s problems, and just be awesome. Dwight had also folded many other Star Wars origami creations. For instance, Origami Admiral Ackbar. Harvey, his nemesis, and my almost-friend, created an origami Darth Vader. He called it Darth Paper. Darth Paper would go around spewing insults, giving bad advice, and causing many problems for the students of McQuarrie. In the end, Darth Paper became Anakin again, and even saved Dwight from being suspended. Unfortunatly, Dwight left McQuarrie and started going to Tippet Academy. Then Sara brought Chebacca the Fortune Wookie to school, and she fooled us all into thinking that Dwight had made the Fortune Wookie, but in reality, she and her friends Rhondella and Amy had worked together and they made it a hoax and…..oh forget it. Then I convinced Dwight to come back to McQuarrie. Anyway this is my 4th case file! This one will be about the duel between Origami Yoda, and An…better not reveal his name yet. Anyway, the light side of the force had returned to McQuarrie and everyone was happy again. I wish I could tell you that everyone lived happily after, but that would be a big, fat, lie. But we did all have a New Hope! This is all the information I have gathered about what has happened at McQuarrie during this new school year with the Return of the Dwight!

                Harvey’s comment:

             So far the biggest question is… will this case file be even dumber than the last three?

My comment: didn’t you write that in the last case file?

Harvey’s other comment: No.

Harvey’s secret comment: Yes! Muah, ha, ha, ha!!!!

      The Return of Origami Yoda


                       By Murky

Oh yeah! The stooky Dwight is BAAAACKK!!!! I can’t wait to ask Origami Yoda another question! And I already have one. Today I folded a Van Jahkne Yoda, but it wouldn’t give advice like Dwight’s does. Dwight’s Yoda is stookiness personified! So I asked Yoda why my Yoda wouldn’t give me jedi wise advice. So Dwight held up Origami Yoda and said in his really pikpok pete yoda voice, “Use the Force, your Yoda cannot.” Well, I thought that was totally narnar, so I just stomped away. That advice was totally un-STOOKY! What happened to the total rockets Dwight I used to know?

Harvey’s comment: Ugh. That Murky-to-English dictionary was helpful, but still…ugh. At least someone finally agrees with me!

My comment: I think it is very strange that origami Yoda/Dwight just blew Murky off like that!

Harvey’s other comment: I don’t!

                 Anakin Skypaper appears!

                   By Kellen

So, me and Tommy and… well I was standing in the library with my friends, and then a loud voice boomed out from behind me. “Behold!” shouts Harvey. “Anakin SKYPAPER!!!!” then those weird librarians were like “Shhhh!” On Harvey’s thumb sat an Origami Anakin. Not Darth Paper/Anakin, but an actual Anakin, before he falls into magma. 

“Plastic dinosaurs!” shouts Murky. “It’s an Origami Anakin!” Harvey did his I-am-a-much-better-origami-folder-than-you-are smirk. “I call him Anakin Skypaper!!! Muah, ha, ha, ha!!!” and the librarians were just like, “SHUSH!”. Harvey lowered his voice. “Does anybody have an origami Padme Amidala?” I knew his plan. But apparently either Murky did not watch Revenge of the Sith, or he was just dumb. I’m guessing it was door number 2. Murky reached into his pocket and removed an Origami Padme Amidala. Harvey reached out and grabbed the Padme. “Hey,” Murky protested. “That is my stookiest origami ever!” Harvey made choking sounds, then crumpled Murky’s Padme. “NOOOOOOOOO!!!!” shouts Murky, leaping forward. Then every thing seems to go into slow motion. The librarians are in the background, and this time they actually say, “Shut up!”. Murky is falling forward towards Harvey. Harvey is holding out his hand. In his hand is the crumpled Padme. Then…fast motion. Murky hit’s the ground hard and misses Harvey’s hand completely. Harvey stands there and drops the crumpled paper on top of Murky’s humiliated and angry head. “I should have known,” Murky groaned, getting to his feet. “Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Force-choking Padme. I was so stupid to fall for that!”

Harvey’s comment: Yes. Yes you were. Give in to your anger. Feel the power of the dark side of the…

My comment: Oh, shut up. That was a (as Murky would say) stooky Padme.

                   Origami Yoda


                   Anakin Skypaper

                        By Tommy

                   Then a screechy voice sounded from behind us. “A duel, let there be,” it was Dwight/Yoda! “Again, both give answers to one question we will! Right whoever is will win!” “I accept your challenge!” boomed Anakin Skypaper. There was a collective gasp. I just groaned. Not again. “What should the question be?” asked Anakin/Harvey. Murky perked up. “Ooh! I know! I know! I asked Yoda why my total rockets Van Jahkne Yoda wouldn’t give advice and Yoda said, “Use the Force, your Yoda cannot.”. Murky turned to Harvey. “What is your answer?” he asked. Harvey lifted Anakin Skypaper. “Your Yoda can use the Force. The Force flows through all living things.” I guess we’ll see who is right.

Harvey’s comment: I’M RIGHT!

My comment: I hope not!


                     The Duel!


                        By Tommy

So, today we all went to Murky’s house. It was just WEIRD. There were posters everywhere that said stuff like, Stooky, or, TOTAL ROCKETS!!!! The house was so clean it was unnatural. It looked like nobody had lived there for the past year. The carpet was cleaner than…well, really clean carpet. The couches looked like no one had sat on them in a month, and the TV was collecting dust. But Murky’s room was even WEIRDER. There was one poster that said, Stooky, and a bed. That was IT. There was nothing else. It was actually kind of creepy. Murky reached under his bed and removed the Van Jahkne Yoda. It was actually pretty good. “OK,” said Murky. He turned to me. “Tommy, ask Yoda a question. If he answers, and the answer comes true, then Harvey wins. If he doesn’t answer, then Dwight wins. Also, if he does say something, but it doesn’t come true, then Dwight wins. Get it? Got it? Good.” It took my brain a second to process that, but I nodded. Harvey lifted Anakin. “This is where the fun begins!” he said. “How do you fold an Origami General Grievous?” I asked. Van Jahkne Yoda moved. “Use a whole sheet of paper, you must. Fold to the right, you must.” it went on like that for a while, with Dwight and Harvey looking on. Murky had given me a piece of paper so I could follow along with the steps. In the end, the result was NOT a General Grievous. It really was just a crumpled piece of paper. Murky shouted, “And the winner is…Dwight!!!!” Dwight lifted Origami Yoda. “Told you I did.” Harvey crumpled Anakin Skypaper in disgust. And I guess that’s it. See you in the next case file!

Harvey’s comment: Bah humbug!!!

My comment: In your FACE!!!

            THE END

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